Online Banking: ICICI Bank Supports Firefox Web Browser

A couple of days back, when I was doing online banking with ICICI Bank, I noticed that they have added support for the Firefox web browser. This is what they say in the front page of their website.

ICICI Bank Website Front Page

Best viewed with Internet Explorer Ver 5.5 and Ver 6 or Netscape Ver 7.3 and Ver 8 or Firefox Ver 1.5 with a resolution of 800×600

I really appreciate ICICI Bank for supporting the Firefox web browser. The reason is that now their website will work smoothly with all the platforms on which Firefox is available. That is really much more customer friendly than only MSIE websites.
But the next question is, is this the right way to do it? What about other browsers like Mozilla, Galeon, Opera, Safari, Konqueror and the various versions of them? And why Firefox 1.4 is not supported?

What I believe is that a web application cannot keep track of (or should not keep track of) which browsers it will work with. Web application developers should simply stick with the standard set by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and make sure that it works with all the standards compliant web browsers. That way they can just say that “This website is best viewed with any W3C standards compliant web browser.”

Maybe someday ICICI Bank will support the Any Browser Campaign. But one thing that I can say for sure is that ICICI Bank’s website is much more usable on GNU/Linux than other banks like HSBC. I have used both websites, so I can tell.

4 Responses to “Online Banking: ICICI Bank Supports Firefox Web Browser”

  1. Chirag Says:

    I am unable to login on

    The browser versions I am using are Firefox 3.0.7 and Internet Explorer 8.

    The error message I receive with Firefox is ‘Network Timeout’.

  2. Disappointed customer Says:

    I doesn’t work on LInux! the only way to access my account is with IE7 and windows. anything other doesn’t work with “Timeout error”. Firefox and windows is NO go.

  3. Ashok Singh Says:

    The ICICI Infinity site opens happily with Firefox on Linux for past 3-4 years. So too does the Trading Site However, Infinity does not open with Opera 9.64. Gives and error message.

  4. Josiah Matthew Says:

    This an Fantastic post, I will bookmark this post in my Furl account. Have a good day.

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